*Please note that every effort has been made to represent the colour of this yarn accurately, but that there may be reasonable differences between your screen view & the actual yarn. Dye lots will be matched where possible – please email before placing an order of 10 or more balls to request dye lot quantities.
Brand: Miss La Motte
Fibre: 100% superwash merino
Yarn Weight: double knit
Ball Weight: 100g skein
Ball Length: 208m
Needle Size: 3.25 – 4.0mm
Care Instructions:
Miss La Motte recommends a gentle, natural detergent and cold water hand wash when rinsing our yarns. Both wool and dyes are rated for use with hot water (recommended 30°C), but to retain the wonderful silky sheen and soft quality of the merino, a gentle approach in laundering is recommended to prolong the lifespan of projects.
*Please ensure that you purchase enough yarn to complete your project!
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